Now the road to her getting here wasn't exactly smooth, but oh man it was more than worth it!...
Wednesday I got up earlier than I was supposed to, which I had expected because I was overly excited about our new addition arriving. I felt what I thought was just a little cramping, then my water broke! Yes, on the VERY day I was scheduled for a c-section. Next, I started getting horrible contractions, I then told the hubby to hurry and get dressed because "It's time!", which is weird because it really was time, even without the water breaking and labor. We got everything together, bags, camera and anything I thought I would need for my hospital stay, and we were off. First, my contractions weren't too bad (but still pretty painful), so I thought the trip to the hospital wouldn't be so bad, then as we were almost there, they started to really get closer together. I want to say about 5 minutes apart, and the pain was becoming unbearable.
We finally got to the hospital and as soon as we walked in, the hospital staff knew what was going on, got me in a wheelchair and we headed straight for L & D. I was admitted immediately, but someone was already in the OR, and they only had 2 OB's on that day, which meant I had to wait a good hour and a half until I could get in for surgery. The good thing though was that I was actually scheduled to be two behind, but because I was in active labor I got pushed to the front! Thank the Lord! But as for that hour and a half, let me just say that was the worst hour and a half of my life. My contractions got to the point where there was no break, no telling where one contraction stopped and another started. Oh the pain was HORRIBLE! The worst part was that I couldn't take any meds because of the spinal epidural I was going to receive for the c-section.
I finally got to the OR, they administered my IV and epidural and from then on out, everything was great! Not only did I not feel A THING, my beautiful daughter was born!

Miss Rylie Chanel Salgado
Born: May 27, 2009 at 10:27am
Weight: 5 pounds 15 ounces
I am still in shock...and I love her so much it's crazy!
Well I'm off to eat and spend some time with my little one...I'll post more pics later!