I never realized how lucky I really am to have such a happy and HEALTHY baby. My friend had her baby on Wednesday and she got to come home Friday, BUT her baby girl had to stay in the NICU because of breathing complications. That would KILL me, I could never imagine NOT leaving the hospital with my baby. It'd be incredibly hard and so sad.
I just thank God everyday for being blessed with Rylie, my healthy little girl!
The countdown for CA is now down to 17 days ahh! A little over 2 weeks. I still can't believe we're really going. My parents (and sisters...ok so everyone pretty much) are so excited to see Rylie, all for the first time, with the exception of my mom. She hasn't seen Ry since she was 9 days old. I also found out that my dad is also taking the day we get there off of work yay!!! I already have an outfit planned for when we land in SD, because we all know my little lady has to look ADORABLE (even though she is, regardless of what she's wearing haha).
Hi! Rylie looks sooo cute in her camo outfit! I have to mentally prepare myself to leave my boys' in the NICU after I deliver. It is just part of the process of having premature babies. The way I look at it is that I rather them be safe in the hospital than sick at home! Keep them in your prayers!!