My tickets are purchased and I CANNOT wait! I can't believe I finally get to go home, it will be the first time since Rylie's been born. The last time I was there was for my baby shower, which was 5 months ago in April. I don't think I can stress how ecstatic I am for my dad and sisters to meet her. I know they're all excited. Heather and my mom both took the day of our arrival off of work (AND school for Heather) to ensure that they could meet us at the airport. My dad will also be there, which is exciting all in itself, usually they'll just pick me up, this time they'll be waiting for us in the airport. Thinking about me makes me miss them more.
We'll be staying for 19 days, my mom figured a week-2 weeks was too short especially because I want them to spend as much time as they can with Rylie, she grows so fast. I already feel like they've missed so much. My mom has a trip to the San Diego Zoo planned, and my friend will be joining us along with her two boys. We would love to go to Fresno, but with the swine flu right now we've decided to put those plans on hold, to see how things go there. My Aunt Mindy and Uncle Steve will be coming to San Marcos the second weekend we're there, along with my cousin Jessica and her boyfriend. I'm REALLY excited to see them, especially my aunt because she's been so helpful and we've gotten pretty close. Other relatives will be coming down to SoCal to see us, it just makes me realize what an amazing family I've got.
Rylie is almost 4 months and I swear it feels like I just had her. She's started 'talking' and she has a lot to say, it's the cutest thing. She smiles A LOT and loves everyone she meets. She really is a good baby, very social. She also LOVES her baths now, I remember the first time I bathed her (with the help of my mom) and how she cried the entire time. She truely hated it.
I KNOW she's beautiful, but I've been getting a lot of comments lately from random people about what a "gorgeous" baby she is, honestly it makes me feel good. People also comment about how healthy she is, and the doctor even told me she was VERY healthy and that "Whatever it is that you're doing, keep on doing it.", by far the BEST compliment I have ever received. When I was pregnant with her I always worried I wouldn't be a good mom and I wouldn't know what to do. I don't even think twice now, she is the WORLD to me.
I cannot imagine my life without her. She is such a little blessing and EXACTLY the kind of stability I needed in my life. She has changed me in ways I never thought possible. Life may be hard right now, but my outlook on everything has switched. Life is good and things WILL get better, they have already and I KNOW I have God to thank for that. Ahhh...this is nice.
I loved your post! It seems as though you had a ton of the same fears about being a mom that I have! I am nervous but excited at the same time. Money is such a stressor in our lives! I am scared I won't be able to get my kids what they need! I am happy you are coming to Cali...you should come to SF! =)