Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am very much aware that no one reads this, then again this is mainly for me to vent and get things off my chest.


Life is definitely getting better, I've been in school for about a month now and even though it's hard, I've been doing pretty well. I've even made new friends and I've been going to the gym 6 days a week. Still no Weight Watchers, but I wanna see if I can really lose weight on my own, with the help of exercise before I spend more money. So far I've been going over a week, hardly enough to base anything on yet. I still cannot believe how much I weigh and how horrible I look. And to think I actually thought I was fat before I got pregnant. Not that I regret being pregnant, because Ry is the best thing that has every happened to me, I just wish I had taken better care of myself during my pregnancy and exercised. But here I am, extremely unhappy with my body. Not a place I would ever want to be, then again, things could be worse. Other than my body and weight, I would say things are good.

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